List of AWS Config Managed Rules by Region Availability - AWS Config

List of AWS Config Managed Rules by Region Availability

AWS Config currently supports the following managed rules.


Defaut Values for Managed Rules

The default values specified for managed rules are pre-populated only when using the AWS console. Default values are not supplied for the API, CLI, or SDK.

Configuration Item Recording Delays

AWS Config usually records configuration changes to your resources right after a change is detected, or at the frequency that you specify. However, this is on a best effort basis and can take longer at times. Some resource types with known delays include: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret.

Directory Buckets Are Not Supported

Managed rules only support general purpose buckets when evaluating Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) resources. AWS Config doesn’t record configuration changes for directory buckets. For more information on general purpose buckets and directory buckets, see Buckets overview and Directory buckets in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Managed Rules and Global IAM Resource Types

The global IAM resource types onboarded before February 2022 (AWS::IAM::Group, AWS::IAM::Policy, AWS::IAM::Role, and AWS::IAM::User) can only be recorded by AWS Config in AWS Regions where AWS Config was available before February 2022. These resource types cannot be recorded in Regions supported by AWS Config after February 2022. For a list of those Regions, see Recording AWS Resources | Global Resources.

If you record a global IAM resource type in at least one Region, periodic rules that report compliance on the global IAM resource type will run evaluations in all Regions where the periodic rule is added, even if you have not enabled the recording of the global IAM resource type in the Region where the periodic rule was added.

To avoid unnecessary evaluations, you should only deploy periodic rules that report compliance on a global IAM resource type to one of the supported Regions.

US East (Ohio) Region

US East (N. Virginia) Region

US West (N. California) Region

US West (Oregon) Region

Africa (Cape Town) Region

Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Region

Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region

Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region

Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Region

Asia Pacific (Melbourne) Region

Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region

Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region

Asia Pacific (Seoul) Region

Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region

Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region

Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region

Canada (Central) Region

Canada West (Calgary) Region

China (Beijing) Region

China (Ningxia) Region

Europe (Frankfurt) Region

Europe (Ireland) Region

Europe (London) Region

Europe (Milan) Region

Europe (Paris) Region

Europe (Spain) Region

Europe (Stockholm) Region

Europe (Zurich) Region

Israel (Tel Aviv) Region

Middle East (Bahrain) Region

Middle East (UAE) Region

South America (São Paulo) Region

AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region

AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region